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Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mike Kelley Exhibition- Day is Done (2005)

Mike Kelley Exhibition is very interesting and full of colorful and positive vibes, even if some work was meant to be seen as dark and delirious. One art in this Exhibition is called Day is done, made in 2005. It looks to be a barn type scene with a screen. The screen is supposed to change and give off effect of filmic cross-cutting in actual space. This gives me a new outlook in how art and filmic scenes started developing. What people found as entertainment then is different how it is now.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Cubism and Futurism

     Cubism is known to be the most influential art in the early 20th century. Pablo Picasso was a Spanish creator of this unique art movement. Cubist artist focused mainly on analyzing, breaking up the art work. Their art was abstracted and consisted of pieces and bits of color, And objects to create art. 
  One art piece that was very interesting is a cubist art called Two Nudes. This piece was made in 1906 in Paris by Picasso. It was made oil on canvas. It was  abstracted work showing two nude women standing besides each other.  It seems that they are showing sensual love between these women. One woman is starting at the viewers with sexual tension, which was what the artist was trying to show.


   Futurism is another art movement. However, a different movement.  It was originated In Italy, which was a social movement. It showed contemporary concept in the art, such as future objects in the art.  Objects such as technology, cars, the youth. 
       An art work In the futurism era called abstract speed and sound . It is a piece that shows bright colors and different kinds of colors. It kind of gives an illusion of 3D or outer space. It is like so many things are happening in one picture. The piece is about an average size portrait, yet you kind of feel like you're moving along with the colors when ever you look at it for too long. This piece was  created in 1913-14 by Giacomo Balla. 



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Henessy YoungMan

      In this short video, This young artist Youngman discuss how to be a successful artist without having to go to grad school. He states that anyone can be a successful artist without school. As long as you put your focus on it and He feels that many artists who had went to college, think they are better or have more knowledge in their work. Which isnt always true, because an artist can be confident in their work by learning techniques themselves. Youngman feels that you will waste money if you decide to go to school for art. Because it is expensive and a lot of the techniques and ideas used can be learned in your spare time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Art 21- Ellen Gallagher.



          Ellen Gallagher is one of the many unique and one of a kind artists. She was born in Rhode island in 1965 and had attended the college and school of museum fine arts in Boston. She now resides and works in New York and Rotterdam, Holland. She is known for her abstract work in paintings. She also creates cool art work by carving images into water color type of paper. She also is known for drawing with ink, water color and pencil. She expresses a lot of race of the African american culture in her work and other race issues are addressed in her work,  in general.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Describe a  Dada art work . What world event influenced this style? how?

   The most interesting Dada art work made was the Marcel Duchamp. Dada was an art movement created from negativity after world war I happened. Dada was all very negative and portrayed non sense in the art. This piece was of Mona Lisa with a mustache and a beard almost. It was created to make fun of this art work.

Describe the work of Jacob Lawrence in the video. what were this artist's influences?

     Jacob Lawrence's work was mainly focused on the African american history. He wanted to show the labor they had gone through and how they migrated from where they had first started. He showed that very well in his work, which influenced certain artists. It also influenced how the other artists created their work as well, by using some of his techniques.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Impressionism and Post-impressionism.


 Post impressionism and Impressionism are two different style art that was used to focus on various things. Impressionism showed the real world and the beauty behind that. Artwork in impressionism is usually painted outdoors, showing nature. The colors are usually mixed together. They used thin brush strokes and open composition. The work of impressionism showed what humans see, its based on observations.
        Post Impressionism was different because even though they used vivid colors, their work was against impressionism. They wanted to show deeper value and meaning than just showing nature. So in a way, it is almost the opposite of Impressionism.

  European colonization changes art in this time period because they started to value art more and adding more details in their art work. Their art started having a variation of qualities and details.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Assignment 5 second part

 Describe the portrait of the fur merchant. Why is he "the business man'a hero"?
   The portrait of the fur merchant is very classy looking. It is of a man wearing lots of brown fur. It is so much fur, that it is running down his body. Fur symbolizes luxury and wealth. He appears to have a note on one hand, as if he is handing the note to someone in front of him. He looks serious but sincere In a way. He is the business man's hero because he is the ideal person of luxury, wealth, and ambition. He seems to have confidence and respect.

What is the mood of the portrait of the 83 year old woman?
  The mood of the old woman is almost sorrow written all over her face. She seems to show more negative feelings than good. Personally, I feel that she looks almost scared and vulnerable in a way, but part of me also sees her struggling through something of her own.

What is  Rembrandt community in his painting of Samson and Delilah?
  Rembrandt is trying to communicate  vulnerability through his work of two people trying hard not to let go of each other, but having to do so anyway. This painting is about love and feeling inseparable including the feelings that comes with letting go of a lover or the feeling of being cheated on or not given your all.